1. What do I need to bring for my child?

A labelled bag with

  • change of clothes (messy play)
  • a healthy lunch (sandwich or leftovers, piece of fruit, youghurt, dried fruit, cheese)
  • a water bottle
  • hat
  • nappies
  • formula and bottle
  • dummies / comforters

Before your child’s first day please bring

  • Completed enrolment forms
  • Your child’s birth certificate/ identification
  • Immunisations records (retrievable from MyGov/ Medicare)
  • Any medical/ developmental documentation if applicable to your child
  • Any court orders applicable to your child

2. How can I pay my fees?

  • direct debit – you nominate the amount and we set it up to be taken out of your account each week or fortnight
  • direct deposit – you depositing directly into our account
  • centrepay – you organise with the family assistance office to have it deposited into our account each week or fortnight. We also have the forms so we can arrange it once you have signed the forms

3. What will my child’s first day be like?

The reactions of children to a new situation differ greatly, one may leave parents happily and another may cling to his/her only link to home, be sure to say goodbye and tell your child you will be back. Most children settle quickly and in no time at all, your child will be playing happily. Although keeping in mind all children’s needs differ. If you would like to stay for a while or start with shorter days increasing gradually, whatever helps your child to settle we will work in with you. If you are worried, call us. We may call you at some time during the day.

4. What information needs to be shared?

Events in family life such as, major illnesses, visits of a grandparent, accidents or deaths of relatives, friends or pets can be a major concern to children markedly affecting their behaviour. It is very important for the home and Cubbyhouse to share information which may affect the children. We would appreciate if parents or caregivers would inform us of any unusual or special happenings of this nature and other information could be:

  • Someone different is picking up your child. (Please supply a note).
  • Your child is sick or going on holidays.
  • Custody/access arrangements have changed. (Documents need to be photocopied and kept on file)
  • Your address and phone number has changed.
  • New emergency contact numbers.

5. Can we visit at anytime of the day?

We have an open door policy. Parents are welcome to attend the centre to observe and/or be part of their child’s play. Some children find it of benefit to have their parent/carer remain for a short time until they have settled into the daily routine.

We also encourage family involvement in presenting activities that may be of interest to the children such as occupational displays, cooking demonstrations or cultural presentations.

6. Would anyone be smoking around my child?

The Cubbyhouse is an alcohol and smoke free zone. At no time are these items  permitted to be consumed on the premises.

7. How can families be involved in the Cubbyhouse?

Families are an essential part of education and development. Your participation in our day will benefit all our children enormously. If you have a multicultural background or you possess a special skill, even if you would like to read some stories or join us on excursions we would love to share in your knowledge and experiences. Parents are urged to assist in whatever way you are able. This will give us the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress. The program is displayed in each room. Please add your comments to the program. Please feel free to offer your encouragement, questions, comments and also criticisms to our staff. We are genuinely interested to know your ideas and suggestions.

8. What should I dress my child in?

Please dress your children in suitable play clothes. Children are happiest in comfortable play clothes which will not be spoilt if paint, dirt or glue accidentally gets on them. Easy pull on / off clothes are best; please no belts, braces, or overalls as these are very hard to get off quickly if they have hung on for too long. Please keep in mind the importance of covering exposed skin for sun protection, light tightly-woven materials are best (see SunSmart Policy). Spare clothes need to be packed each day due to children’s learning experiences which may involve getting wet, dirty, or changes in the weather.

Children learn from experimenting, this is often messy but essential if they are to learn through their senses, touch, taste, sight etc.

If you wish to dispose of clothes your child has outgrown, please donate them to The Cubbyhouse so that we may use them in case a child runs out of fresh clothes.

9. Is there a preschool program available for my child?

We provide an educational Preschool program tailored to the individual needs of each and every Child. From this a developmental portfolio is compiled to track the child’s growth to their fullest potential. A copy of this will become a treasured preschool memory.

Contact The Cubbyhouse

If you have any more questions, or would like to apply, please contact us today or apply online. We look forward to hearing from you